received six months after their marriage.
with before the marriage took place was Titulus Regius, there was also dispensations to be gained as Henry and Elizabeth were related in the double fourth degree of consanguinity, that is they were both related to John of Gaunt.
Three dispensations would be issued in total, the first was received at the beginning of 1484 and the last in 1486. The conformation of the dispensation reads:
"In the name of God, Amen. We, James, bishop of Imola, apostolic legate to England and Scotland, having heard, etc.,
the merits and circumstances of a certain matter of a dispensation to be made between the most serene prince and lord
the lord Henry, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, of the one part, and the most
illustrious lady, the lady Elizabeth, eldest legitimate and natural daughter of the late Edward IV, sometime king of
England, of the other part, to contract marriage and remain therein, notwithstanding that they are related in the
fourth and fourth degrees of kindred, and the said prince and lady by their proctors sufficiently and lawfully
appearing before us, and instantly requesting such dispensation to be made by us; and having found to be true all the
contents of a certain schedule of petition set forth to us on behalf of the same prince and lady, the tenour of
which is as follows:--
It is set forth to your most reverend lordship on behalf of the most serene prince and lord the lord Henry, by the grace
of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, of the one part, and of the most illustrious lady, the lady Elizabeth, eldest legitimate and natural daughter of the late Edward, sometime king of England and France and lord of Ireland, of the other part, that whereas the said king has by God's providence won his realm of England and is in peaceful possession thereof, and has been prayed and requested by all the lords of his realm, both spiritual and temporal, and also by the
general council of the said realm, called Parliament, to take to wife the aforesaid lady Elizabeth, he, wishing to accede
to the petitions of his subjects, desires to take the aforesaid lady to wife, but inasmuch as they are related in the fourth
and fourth degrees of kindred, he cannot fulfil such desire without obtaining canonical dispensation, wherefore petition is
made to your most reverend lordship on behalf of the said lord Henry and lady Elizabeth to grant them dispensation by
the apostolic authority which you exercise to contract marriage and remain therein, notwithstanding the said impediment,
and to decree the offspring to be born thereof legitimate, do therefore, by the apostolic authority committed to us, and
which we exercise in this behalf, grant to the said lord prince the lord Henry and lady Elizabeth, by this our sentence
or final decree, which we deliver and promulgate in these writings, dispensation to contract marriage and remain therein, notwithstanding the said impediment, and decree and declare the offspring to be born therein and thereof legitimate."
1486. 10 Kal. Aug. (23 July.) St. Peter's, Rome.