This is due in part to the fact that I have a keen interest in Richard III and the Wars of the Roses, but I think
its also due to the fact, that whilst researching my family history, I have found that I have family connections that
place me in the 17th century, right in the middle of a time of change within the monarchy and society itself.
Being able to look at an important event from a personal point of view, of how it affected a particular family member, makes these events much easier to understand, and consequently makes the wider time frame so much more interesting.
By the time of the early eighteenth century my family had moved from being members of the royal family, through the nobility into the time of the ordinary man. My last real association with monarchy is with Elizabeth Trevanion, wife of Robert Carey
who was grandson of Mary Boleyn. Elizabeth, seen here with her three children, was responsible for the care of
King Charles I as a small boy. After this, my family are classed as gentry/very minor land owners and later agricultural labourers, merchant seamen and miners.
Don't get me wrong, these people are very important too, they have their own story to tell.
One of the men I admire most is my great great grandfather, whose hard life brings a tear to my eye every time I
think of him, but it turns out that he is not to be my blood ancestor at all.
With the above in mind, I think one of the reasons my least favourite group of monarchs are the Hanoverian's,
I have no point of reference, no one to link to the main events in the lives these monarchs.
My great great grandfathers story can be read here: